

Just A Moment

"Life is all memory, except for the one present moment that goes by so quickly you hardly catch it going."  - - Tennessee Williams

Our lives are composed of a series of unforgettable moments as well as an infinite number of ordinary moments.  Much like the sparkling lights on a Christmas tree, the memorable times in our livesbecome the focal points, yielding our most vivid memories.  Hidden from view is the wire that connects the lights, supplying the electricity that is essential to their illumination.  And so it is with the ordinary moments.  Together they form the imperceptible thread that strings together our life.  These everyday moments are no less real or significant simply because they lack the impact to be committed to memory. 

In this portfolio, I set out to capture ordinary moments that comprise the human experience.  Through the use of a camera, these otherwise unremarkable moments are transformed and preserved.  These images represent an attempt to catch just a moment before it fades.